Cryoprotectant Database


L-arginine - C6H14N4O2

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ClassAmino acid
Chemical FormulaC6H14N4O2
Molecular FormulaC6H14N4O2
Molecular Weight174.2 g/mol
Optimal Conc0.5-2M

Is on FDAs GRAS list

L-arginine as a Cryoprotective Agent

1. Cryoprotectant Use

L-arginine is utilized as a cryoprotective agent primarily due to its ability to mitigate some of the damaging effects of freezing on cells and tissues. While not as widely used as traditional cryoprotectants like DMSO or glycerol, it has shown promise in specific applications due to its osmoprotective properties and ability to stabilize protein structure.

2. Applications

L-arginine has found application in the cryopreservation of various cell types, including red blood cells, sperm cells, and certain types of stem cells. It's also been explored in the cryopreservation of tissues, particularly in organ preservation research, though its use is still largely experimental in these areas. For instance, studies have investigated its potential in improving the post-thaw viability of islets of Langerhans for transplantation.

3. Mechanism of Action

L-arginine exerts its cryoprotective effect through multiple mechanisms. As an amino acid with a guanidinium group, it can stabilize protein structure through hydrogen bonding and electrostatic interactions. This helps prevent protein denaturation and aggregation during freezing. Furthermore, L-arginine acts as an osmoprotectant, helping cells regulate their volume and intracellular water content in response to the osmotic stress induced by freezing and thawing. It also has antioxidant properties, scavenging reactive oxygen species that can contribute to cellular damage during cryopreservation.

4. Concentration and Protocol

The optimal concentration of L-arginine for cryopreservation varies depending on the cell type and specific protocol. Typical concentrations range from 50 mM to 200 mM. A general protocol might involve gradually introducing L-arginine to the cell suspension before cooling, allowing for equilibration. The cooling rate and thawing rate are also critical parameters and should be optimized for each application. For example, a slow cooling rate of 1°C/minute followed by rapid thawing is often employed.

5. Safety and Handling

L-arginine is generally considered safe to handle, but standard laboratory safety precautions should be followed. This includes wearing gloves, eye protection, and a lab coat. Dust inhalation should be avoided. Solutions should be prepared using sterile water and filtered if necessary.

6. Advantages

Compared to some traditional CPAs like DMSO, L-arginine exhibits lower toxicity in certain cell types. It also possesses specific properties like protein stabilization that can be advantageous. For instance, in red blood cell cryopreservation, L-arginine has been shown to reduce hemolysis compared to glycerol.

7. Disadvantages

L-arginine is not universally effective as a sole cryoprotectant and may be less effective than DMSO or glycerol in some cases. It may also require higher concentrations for optimal cryoprotection, increasing the osmolality of the solution and potentially inducing osmotic stress.

8. Compatibility

L-arginine has shown compatibility with various cell types, including red blood cells, sperm cells, and certain types of stem cells. However, its compatibility should be empirically determined for each specific cell type or tissue being cryopreserved.

9. Toxicity Profile

L-arginine generally exhibits low toxicity. However, high concentrations can potentially cause osmotic stress. Specific toxicity studies should be conducted for each application to determine the safe and effective concentration range.

10. Solubility

L-arginine is highly soluble in water, facilitating its use in cryopreservation solutions.

11. Storage Conditions

Solid L-arginine should be stored in a cool, dry place, protected from light. Prepared solutions should be stored appropriately, usually refrigerated or frozen depending on the specific protocol.

12. Interaction with Other CPAs

L-arginine can be used in combination with other CPAs, such as trehalose or glycerol, to enhance cryoprotective effects. The interactions between L-arginine and other CPAs can be complex and should be investigated thoroughly for each specific combination.

13. Regulatory Status

L-arginine is generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by the FDA for certain applications, including use as a food additive. However, its regulatory status for cryopreservation applications may vary depending on the specific use and jurisdiction.

14. Environmental Impact

L-arginine is a naturally occurring amino acid and is generally considered to have a low environmental impact.

15. Historical Context

The use of L-arginine in cryopreservation is relatively recent compared to traditional CPAs. Research exploring its cryoprotective properties has emerged over the past few decades, driven by the search for less toxic and more effective cryoprotectants.

16. Alternative Cryoprotectants

Alternatives include DMSO, glycerol, propylene glycol, trehalose, and various other sugars and polymers. DMSO is a highly effective permeating CPA, but can be toxic. Glycerol is another common permeating CPA, generally less toxic than DMSO. Trehalose is a non-permeating CPA that can stabilize cell membranes.

17. Physical Properties

L-arginine is a white crystalline powder at room temperature. Its molecular formula is C6H14N4O2 and its molecular weight is 174.2 g/mol.

18. Cost-Effectiveness

L-arginine is relatively cost-effective compared to some specialized cryoprotectants.

19. Known Issues

Potential issues with using L-arginine include its limited effectiveness as a sole cryoprotectant in some cases and potential osmotic stress at high concentrations. Optimization of concentration and protocols is crucial.

20. Handling Instructions

To prepare an L-arginine solution, weigh out the desired amount of L-arginine powder and dissolve it in sterile water or the appropriate buffer. Sterile filter the solution if necessary. The solution should be prepared fresh or stored appropriately to prevent degradation.

21. Conclusion

L-arginine offers a valuable alternative to traditional cryoprotective agents in specific applications. Its unique properties, including osmoprotection, protein stabilization, and antioxidant activity, contribute to its cryoprotective effects. While further research is needed to fully elucidate its mechanisms of action and optimize its use, L-arginine holds promise for improving the outcomes of cryopreservation procedures.


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2. Muldrew, K., Acker, J. P., Elliott, J. A. W., & McGann, L. E. (2004). The water to ice transition: implications for living cells. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Animal, 40(1-2), 3–22.<0003:TWTTIF>2.0.CO;2

3. Yang, H., Zhao, J., Dong, Q., Zhao, P., & Zhu, B. (2017). L-arginine protects against hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative stress in human umbilical vein endothelial cells via the ERK/Nrf2 signaling pathway. International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 40(4), 1001–1011.

4. Holt, W. V., Watson, P. F., Curry, M. R., & Abaigar, T. (1996). L-arginine, a permeabilizing cryoprotectant, protects ram sperm against cold shock. Cryobiology, 33(2), 258–264.

5. Lovelock, J. E. (1953). The haemolysis of human red blood cells by freezing and thawing. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 10(3), 414–426.

6. Pegg, D. E. (2007). Principles of cryopreservation. Methods in Molecular Biology, 368, 39–57.

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8. Bolanča, I. C., Lukačin, R., Živković, I., & Babić, S. (2012). Protective effects of L-arginine supplementation against cisplatin-induced oxidative stress and DNA damage in rats. Journal of Medicinal Food, 15(10), 863–871.

9. Engelmann, H., & Zollner, N. (1981). Detoxication of DMSO by L-arginine. Research in Experimental Medicine. Zeitschrift Für Die Gesamte Experimentelle Medizin Einschliesslich Experimenteller Chirurgie, 178(3), 233–236.

10. Acker, J. P., & McGann, L. E. (2000). Protective effect of intracellular trehalose during freezing--thawing on human red blood cells. Cryobiology, 40(1), 16–27.


CAS number: 74-79-3


Amino acid

Chemical Formula


Molecular Formula


Molecular Weight

174.2 g/mol

Optimal Conc



Is on FDAs GRAS list

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